Improving Microelectronics Through Investment
Key Findings
Small Firms, Big Impact
Mergers, acquisitions, and large company consolidations are making headlines, but small firms are driving growth and innovation in the cluster.
Thriving due to Innovation
Some sectors within the cluster are thriving due to innovative processes and products, while other firms try to find new markets for their products.
True Industry Cluster
The region’s robust microelectronics supply chain supports a growing number of small companies and the establishment of a true industry cluster.
Growing the Millennial Technical Workforce
Attracting millennial workers to the cluster is becoming more important as companies face an increasing number of retirements.
A Need for Talent
Technology advancements require more talented, well-rounded workforce, creating new challenges for engineering education programs.
Greater Phoenix has the seventh largest metro area for electronics employment
The microelectronics cluster makes up 4% of Greater Phoenix's gross regional product
The average earnings in the microelectronics cluster in Greater Phoenix
Greater Phoenix's microelectronics cluster has more than 28,000 jobs
Learn more about our in depth report on the future of Greater Phoenix’s core technology driver, the microelectronics cluster.
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